Thursday, July 06, 2023

If 5 is a Mass Murder, What does that Make war??

  The  new defininition of  " Mass Murder"  is now 5 people killed, from what I have heard on the TV  and otherso called   official sources. 

Then  how on earth  would we  describe the " size" of WAR? 

  Super Sized  and   bloody Jumbo   Mass Murder????

** I  Can't think of a term  horriblle enough  for this  disgusting , stiupid ' irrational, sick  and gross human  activity!!**

  War kills multple  millions , maybe billions,  not to mention the people who are starved  and homeless later  and more who are  never born becuase the men are mostly the ones dying in the killing fields!

 ALSO> Most  all of the Killing is done to and by  people who never even   MET  each other , let alone have a bone to pick.!!!

  In Conclusion ; "  Is Mass Murder  Five People? " 

  According to Me :

No Way !!

 Lets get REAL!

Donna Mancini