This whole so called Corona virus thing is nothing but a big hoax to enslave the masses and bleed us of our last nickel.
Unfortunately it appears to be working- as many if not most of the Sheeple gladly close their businesses, churches, gyms, restaurants and bars, schools and everything deemed “unnecessary” by their Rulers, as well as avoid friends , neighbors, fellow workers, relatives and Even their Mother’s in nursing homes, Funerals and Weddings, sports, Mount Everest, the KentuckyDerby and the Olympics to name a chosen few as well as all travel worldwide.... for the sake of a runny nose and cough AKA the common cold , which has been with us since human life began, What was left of individual liberty , common sense and intelligence and self respect and love of life and all that is good simply vanished about a month ago as our Rulers make arbitrary rules daily that affect everything we do,
THERES SOMETHING WRONG HERE - Fellow Earthlings and it is not the So called Corona virus you should fear or that is going to kill you :
Mass stupidity , lack of intelligence and rational thinking, combined with blind obedience to authority , amoung other things, is the real culprit here!
Don’t people ever learn? Apparently Not !!
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